Postdoctoral position in Cognitive Neuroscience, Impact research team, Centre de Recherche en Neuroscience de Lyon

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Post-Doctoral position in Cognitive Neuroscience


Centre de Recherche en Neuroscience de Lyon and in collaboration with DDL laboratory in Lyon.


A position is available for a talented and motivated young researcher with interests in investigating the mechanisms underlying brain plasticity and learning in humans. This ANR-funded project investigates the temporal dynamic of brain plasticity during motor and linguistic learning. To this aim, real-time kinematic recording of upper limb movements, advanced functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging, as well as brain stimulation approaches will be employed. The project is coordinated by Claudio Brozzoli within the Impact team of the Centre de Recherche en Neuroscience de Lyon and in collaboration with DDL laboratory in Lyon.


Research group

The Impact research team (director Denis Pelisson), part of the Centre de Recherche en Neuroscience de Lyon (CRNL, director Olivier Bertrand) has funding available for a 3 year PhD position in cognitive neuroscience. Our work focuses on the reciprocal interactions between perception and action, sensorimotor processes behind hand and eye movements, their behavioral adaptation and related brain plasticity. This research is applied to investigate body and space representation as well as learning. To address these issues we use a combination of behavioral, neuroimaging as well as brain stimulation methods. Facilities accessible from our lab include a 3T Siemens scanner, MEG, EEG, TMS, tDCS, kinematic recording and virtual reality laboratories. We are based at the INSERM U1028 “Impact” Lyon, France.


Position duties

The candidate is expected to work within the general framework of the research project and to take part to the scientific activity at the level of the laboratory and the center. Main duties will be to review pertinent literature, participate in designing experimental studies, run the experimental data collection, analyze the acquired data-sets, write reports and papers as well as divulgate the results of the research at international conferences.


Skills and personal qualities

The candidate must have a PhD in neuroscience, cognitive science, physics or engineering. He or she should have a strong interest in cognitive neuroscience, learning and brain plasticity as well as documented acquired competence in MRI techniques and/or brain stimulation. Proficiency in oral and written English is necessary. The candidate should have a good track record of successful scientific projects and publications, and good programming skills.


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