Conférence Jacques Monod sur le retard mental - 7-11 octobre 2010

Publié le par ANAE

Conférence Jacques Monod 
Mental Retardation: from genes to synapses, functions and dysfunctions.

Roscoff, FRANCE
7 au 11 Octobre 2010

Renseignements :
Barbara Bardoni
660, Route des Lucioles
06560 Valbonne (France) .
- téléphone : 04 93 95 77 66
- mèl :
Site web :

Programme :
Deadline for application: June 20, 2010

Invited speakers

BEN-ARI Yezekiel (Marseille, France) 
Neuroarcheology: arguments in favour of an early presymptomatic expression of many neurological disorders

BARDONI Barbara (Valbonne, France) 
RNA metabolism and learning disability

CATANIA Maria Vincenza (Catania, Italie) 
Group I metabotropic glutamate receptors: a role in neurodevelopmental disorders?

CHELLY Jamel (Paris, France) 
Mutations in the &#946 ; -tubulin gene TUBB2B result in asymmetrical polycrogyria

CHOQUET Daniel (Bordeaux, France) 
Nanoscale Dynamic Organization of the Synapse 

COLLEAUX Laurence (Paris, France) 
Unravelling the molecular and pathophysiological bases of autosomal recessive non-syndromic mental retardation. 

DIERSSEN Mara (Barcelona, Spain) 
Decoding the genetics of Down syndrome 

FAGNI Laurent (Montpellier, France) 
How can Shank3 induce spine dysgenesis and mental retardation?

FERGUSON Shawn (New Haven, USA) 
Elucidating specialized mechanisms of membrane traffic in neurons

FERRAGUTI Francesco (Innsbruck, Austria) 
Changes in the subcellular distribution of neurotransmitter receptors in mouse models of impaired learning 

FRANCIS Fiona (Paris, France) 
Doublecortin knockout mice, hippocampal dysfunction and cognitive deficits

GALLI Thierry (Paris, France) 
Role of exocytosis in neuronal differentiation. 

GÉCZ Jozef (Adelaide, Australia) 
Non-sense mediated mRNA decay (NMD) surveillance and intellectual disability

GIANGRANDE Angela (Illkirch, France) 
The FMRP pathway in Drosophila melanogaster nervous system

HÜTTELMAIER Stefan (Halle, Germany
Subcellular RNA localization and Mental Retardation

KOSIK Ken (Santa Barbara, USA) 
The Role of microRNAs in Synaptic Plasticity

MALINOW Roberto (Cold Spring Harbor, USA) 
Synaptic AMPA receptor plasticity and behavior. 

MANDEL Jean-Louis (Paris, France) 
Fragile X syndrome from cloning of the Fmr1 gene to treatment

MANZONI Olivier (Bordeaux, France) 
Synaptic plasticity and Mental retardation

MONYER Hannah (Heidelberg, Germany) 
Postnatal neurogenesis of GABAergic interneurones

MULLER Dominique (Geneva, Switzerland) 
Dendritic spine formation and stabilization. 

NELSON David (Houston, USA) 
Modeling Fragile X syndrome and FXTAS in mice

OERTNER Thomas (Basel, Switzerland) 
Functional diversity of spine synapses 

OOSTRA Ben (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) 
Rescue of Fragile X behavioral phenotype and neuronal protrusion morphology by mGluR5 antagonists

PICKETTS David (Ottawa – Canada) 
Biological consequences of depleting the epigenetic regulator ATRX

ROPERS Hans-Hilger (Berlin – Germany) 
Mental retardation: large-scale genetic dissection by next generation sequencing'?

SCHENCK Annette (Nijmegen - The Netherlands) 
Modelling Mental Retardation in Drosophila - Targeted and systematic approaches

TIEDGE Henri (New York, USA) 
Regulatory RNAs in neurons

TONIOLO Daniela(Milan, Italy) 
Cognitive impairment in Gdi1-deficient mice.

ANAE -   -   -

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