4ème Conférence annuelle 2f-NIRS - Du signal à la cognition - 12-13 octobre. 2017

Publié le par ANAE

Fourth 2f-NIRS meeting 

October 12th and 13th in Lille


Following on the model of previous edition, the conference is free and aims at promoting interactions around fNIRS methods in a wide range of professionals, from researchers working on signal processing to researchers using NIRS to investigate cognitive and emotional processes at a basic and applied level.

This event is a good opportunity for researchers, clinicians and engineers using fNIRS device to get to know each other better and to strengthen the cooperation.


This years conference is organized by the Laboratory of Affective and Cognitive Science (SCALab UMR 9193 CNRS), which belongs to the University of Lille.


The conference will take place on the Pont de Bois campus

  • on October 12th and at Equipex IrDIVE, a research platform devoted to innovative methods, including NIRS, for the study of vision
  • and located in Tourcoing, on October 13th.

Both location are easily accessed by subway from downtown Lille. This year guest speakers include


The afternoon of October 13th will be devoted to a data analysis workshop, through which researchers will, in an informal setting, share their success stories but also failures in making sense of NIRS data, in the hope of turning the later into the former!


We welcome your short presentations (15-min presentation + 5 min questions) and posters.




Clémence Roger, researcher, SCALab

Anahita Basirat, researcher, SCALab

Jérémie Jozefowiez, researcher, SCALab



Clémence ROGER

Maître de conférences


tel: +33(0)3 20 41 73 25

clemence.roger@univ-lille3.fr | www.scalab.cnrs.fr SCALab - UMR CNRS 9193 | bureau A4.307 domaine du Pont de Bois | 59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq

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